If your windows 7 computer has a corrupt registry then it can cause many different problems which need to be addressed. One common problem is when windows 7 will freeze and stop responding when it resumes from sleep.
Other Registry Problems
There are also many different problems which can be caused by the windows registry. This could be your computer running slowly, slow web surfing or computers being very slow to boot up.
What is the Registry?
The windows registry is used by all of the modern versions of windows. This is where the various settings are stored on your computer. If there are any registry problems then it can create many different errors including a blue screen of death or other serious error message.
Repairing Registry Errors
If your computer is suffering from any registry problems then youw ill need to find a way of correcting them. Although there is a registry editing application included with windows, this shouldn’t be used by anyone who isn’t an expert. Actually a much safer option is to use a registry cleaner.
What is a Registry Cleaner
Registry cleaners are a specialist piece of software which is designed to look at your registry. These work very well because they make it easy to identify and fix any errors without needing to worry about making things worse.
Choosing a Registry Cleaner
When you are choosing which registry cleaner to buy or download you will need to compare the feautres. It’s very important that it features all of the features that you will require. The best feature is backup. This will keep your data and comptuer safe, even if it makes any mistakes.